Proposal for Video Services


Content creation to secure donations from Manitoba Real Estate professionals

Desired result:

More donations, educate realtors about the foundation, and inspire the community.

How we get there:

Create video content that convinces real estate professionals in Manitoba to donate. Ideally a portion of the sale from every home. Deploy content on social media, on the website, in email campaigns, and in person at the awards dinner. Combine a logical approach (Why it's good for recipients and donors) and an emotional appeal (we are making a real impact on the quality of people's lives, time to give back, express grattitude).

Main Pitch Video overview:

This would be in 2 versions. 90 second max length. Landscape for YouTube, in person screenings, and embedding on the website. Vertical version for use on Instagram and TikTok. The goal is to shine a light on what the foundation does, and why its important. Then, to make an emotional appeal for donations.

Intro 10 seconds: What is home to you? Show the difference between wealthy and those in need. Reality check. Gratitude for the lifestyle the industry affords us. Acknowledge that help is required. Imagery of luxury living juxtaposed with the opposite.

Segue: We believe everybody deserves to feel at home in our city

Next 20 seconds: short description of the foundation's work. Why it exists, what it does, past projects, amount donated, and why it matters to the community. Very brief, very high level.

Segue: But we can’t do any of this without your help

Next 20 seconds: Testimonial from recipient program/company/person talking about what they achieved with the donation.

Segue: This year we want to make even more of an impact with your donation.

Next 10 Seconds: Explain why you are moving to a single recipient. (You can really see an impact and make a real difference).

Next 30 seconds: Realtors/Professionals talking about why they donate. Homeowners talking about why they choose Realtors who donate. Sound-bytes that convey the following points.

  1. Its important to give back and build a strong community.

  2. Its good for the industry as a whole, to show we care.

  3. It helps me secure new business because its shows character, compassion, and that building community and relationships matters to me. It's an important part building trust during my listing presentations.

  4. It’s better to choode a Realtor who cares about community and donates.

  5. It feels good to help

End: Call to action

Production Process:

The message of the entire piece is going to come from interviews. These can be conducted through Zoom recordings, but in person would be better. We need 3 Realtors, 3 recipients. I can add voice-over as required. Because of the condensed timeline, we should have interviews all in one location on the same day... before Feb 20th! I'll need b-roll of the various events you've hosted, cheque ceremonies, recipients activities to be able to add interest and strengthen the message. Video preferably, but I can work with photos too.


We would have a first draft ready by the end of Feb so you can review and request changes in time for the awards dinner launch.


Typical industry prices for a 90 second video like this would be between $3000 and $4500. I understand there is no budget for this, so in lieu of my donated time and expertise, I'd love a shoutout at the launch and credit/links to my business on whatever platforms you end up using the video on.


Examples of previous work

This is a piece I created for the Winnipeg Symphony during the lockdowns. It is a combination of footage from several sources, including footage I shot myself, to show I’m capable of creating excellent work, even withfootage from multiple sources of varying quality.

These are business profile videos produced for a yearly family business award ceremony. These were created around interviews of the people involved that was then edited to craft a narrative about the business history. This would be similar to how we’d explain the foundation’s role and process.

This is a Video Business Card we made for Intellifarm. I include it because it’s the same style of blend of interview mixed with b-roll we’d use for your project.

Finally, when it comes to specific knowledge about real estate, plese feel free to snoop the rest of the website or stalk me on Instagram. There are literally thousands of examples of my work for you to look at to decide if I have the skills requred! I shoot around 300 houses a year, and have done that for over a decade!